Cancun Jan 28, 8:50 pm - I’m in the middle of my fourth visit to Cancun since April 2024. It’s a blessing to be able to do this again. The obvious things got in the way for a while: the pandemic, Carol’s journey, my recovery, etc. Although it feels wrong to say they got in the way… They were merely part of our story when God was allowing/doing things in our lives that didn’t include this, which was more than OK.
My recent trips have included getting up to date with labs, x-rays, and doctor visits. Today’s appointment, hopefully, the last for this trip, was a follow-up on the osteoarthritis in my neck.
I still feel behind regarding family time, people to see, visiting the infirm, opportunities to preach, maintaining decades-old friendships, and sharing confidences to pray about.
Sunday, January 26: I preached in Congregación Alamos from Hebrews 10:9:
“He does away with the first in order to establish the second.”
‘Does away’ comes from the Greek word ἀναιρέω (anaireō), which means to take away, abolish, or abrogate. Could there be a more potent way to say that the first (Mosaic Law, ceremony, feast days, animal sacrifices, tabernacle, and Levitical priesthood) is no longer valid, having been displaced by Jesus Christ, the perfect high priest, who was also the perfect sacrifice for sin? The new order is here to stay!
Lunch for my family (Jeremy, Bety, Mathias and me) with Jorge and Alejandra (Alamos pastors) was at Restaurant Monterosa, near the church… exquisite Yucatán style breakfasts. I had the Huevos Enmolados al Horno - Baked eggs in Mole sauce.
Monday, Jan 27—my birthday (75th)… a great breakfast at 100% Natural in downtown Cancun. I asked for the Huevos Venenosos (Poisonous Eggs). They were delicious and healthy, and I didn’t just survive the hot chiles… they made me stronger! It was a special time of catching up with a dear friend of many years who was involved in the church in our home, which turned into Congregación Alamos… God’s grace in action, year upon year.
Tuesday, Jan 28 - 7:00 am - Parque K’abah, the ecological park in the heart of the city. One lap around the inside perimeter is 1.2 miles. The natural jungle canopy keeps it cooler underneath in the early morning, then switches to suffocating heat and humidity if you stay too long. Early is better. I got in a few miles before Jeremy picked me up and took me home for a shower.
We had a 2:00 p.m. meal with Jaime and Julia at their house. They succeeded me as pastor of the Berean Baptist Church, the first church we started from scratch in downtown Cancun in 1982. We had lots of good stuff to share, and we were preparing for my message in Berean this coming Sunday.
Cancun traffic seems exponentially worse each time I visit, making travel time a more prominent issue when planning day-to-day activities.
The bottom line for now: You can’t imagine what it’s like to live here and try to minister here… until you live here and try to minister here yourself for an indefinite period. Can I ask you to really hear your Kingdom workers on the frontlines, especially those with a boots-on-the-ground, long-term commitment to people groups and languages you are unfamiliar with? Their perspective is worthy of your time.
Thank you for sharing about your most recent trip Greg-it encourages me and helps me to pray more specifically. And you’re right-we can’t really know about someone’s experience unless we’ve had one very similar. But we can listen, and learn and pray. Glad you are enjoying your time with family and friends!